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 The India List Civil & Military January 1890
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Medical Department 1890
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Displaying 271 to 300 of 339 results

Surname   First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Honours, etc. Click to sort by Honours, etc.  Rank Click to sort by Rank  Designation Click to sort by Designation 
click to view detail Roe R B   Surgeon Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Roe W A C   Surg.-Maj. Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Rogers-Harrison A N   Surg.-Maj. Civil Surgeon, District Medical and Sanitary Officer
click to view detail Ross G C   Surg.-Maj. Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Rundle Cubitt T MB Surg.  
click to view detail Russell A R P   Surg.  
click to view detail Russell E G MB Surgeon Major Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Russell C M MD   Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Ruttledge E B   Surg.-Maj. Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Sanders R C MD Surgeon Major Opthalmic Surgeon and Professor of Opthalmic Surgery, Medical College
click to view detail Sanders Edwin   Surgeon Major Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Sarkies S C   Surgeon Civil Surgeon, District Medical and Sanitary Officer
click to view detail Saunders F W     Senior Apothecary
click to view detail Sedgefield A W MB Surgeon Superintendent, Central Jails
click to view detail Sellick J H   Surg.  
click to view detail Shah Amir   Asst Surgeon Assist Surgeon, Hospital and Clinical Clerk
click to view detail Shewan G   Surg.  
click to view detail Sibthorpe C M   Brig.-Surg. Presidency Surgeon, Surgeon, General Hospital and Professor Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Medical College
click to view detail Silcock A MB   Civil Surgeon
click to view detail Sinclair D MB Surg. Major  
click to view detail Smith J C C MB Surgeon Supernumerary
click to view detail Smith J MD Surgeon Presidency Surgeon, Resident Surgeon, General Hospital and Professor of Pathology, &c, Medical College
click to view detail Smith F C   Surgeon Civil Surgeon, District Medical and Sanitary Officer
click to view detail Sorabji Kaikhasru   Assistant Surg. Ledever, Veterinary College and Hospital
click to view detail Steel J H   Vet-Surg. Principal and Professor of Veterinary Science, Veterinary College and Hospital
click to view detail Stephens A E R   Surg.-Maj. Supernumerary
click to view detail Stephens A MB Surg.-Maj. Sanitary Commissioner
click to view detail Stewart T W   Surg.  
click to view detail Stewart William Day   Surgeon Major Medical Officer in Civil Employ, Civil Surgeon and Superintendent of Medical School,Jail,& lunatic Asylum Cuttack
click to view detail Street A W F   Surg.-Maj. Deputy Sanitary Commissioner, Central Registration District
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