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Mary Clare Mason
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The Memoirs of Mary Clare Mason (1884-1969)
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The Memoirs of Mary Clare Mason

Document Details
DescriptionThe Memoirs of Mary Clare Mason, submitted by Paul Mason (FIBIS Member No. 1321)
Date Created2007-07-11
CreatorMary Clare Mason
CommentThe following persons feature in the narrative:

Name Notes
Mary Clare Mason - Daughter of William (2) and Julia (4) - died c. 1969
William George Mason - Died 1925
Robert Mason - Born c. 1852 � assume now dead.
Julia O�Brien - First wife of William (2) - died 1889
John O�Brien - Father of Julia (4) � assume now dead
Christine O�Brien - Mother of Julia (4) � assume now dead
Amy O�Brien - Sister of Julia (4) � assume now dead
Peter Mason - Son of Herbert (39) and Ellen (71) - died 1958
John (Jack) O�Brien - Brother of Julia (4) � now dead
James (Jim) O�Brien - Brother of Julia (4) � now dead
Terence O�Brien - Brother of Julia (4) � assume now dead
Patrick O�Brien - Brother of Julia (4) � died young
Mr Paul - Teacher to William (2) � assume now dead
Mr Lacey - Relative? Of William (2) � assume now dead
Mabel Ashton - Wife of John (9) � assume now dead
Nora Ashton - Daughter of John (9) and Mabel (15) � assume now dead
Nell Ashton - Daughter of John (9) and Mabel (15) � assume now dead
Miss Gough - First wife of James (10) � assume now dead
Arnold O�Brien - Son of James (10) and Miss Gough (18) � assume now dead
Catherine (Kate) O�Brien - Daughter of James (10) and Miss Gough (18) � assume now dead
Irene O�Brien - Daughter of James (10) and Miss Gough (18) � died young
Mrs Poole - Second wife of James (10) � assume now dead
Mabel Poole - Daughter of Mrs Poole (22) � assume now dead
Kitty Piper - Wife of Terence (11) � now dead
Rene O�Brien - Daughter of Terence (11) and Kitty (24) � assume now dead
Mary O�Brien - Daughter of Terence (11) and Kitty (24) � assume now dead
Violet O�Brien - Daughter of Terence (11) and Kitty (24) � assume now dead
Dicky O�Brien - Daughter of Terence (11) and ? � assume now dead
Terence (Boysie) O�Brien - Son of Terence (11) and ? � assume now dead
Tom Turner - Husband of Amy (7) � assume now dead
Gladys Turner - Daughter of Tom (30) and Amy (7) � assume now dead
Nora Turner - Daughter of Tom (30) and Amy (7) � assume now dead
Vera Turner - Daughter of Tom (30) and Amy (7) � assume now dead
Pat McGrath - Husband of Gladys Turner (31) � assume now dead
Patrick John Mason - Son of William (2) and Julia (4) - died 1953
William George Mason - Son of William (2) and Julia (4) - died 1935
Herbert Joseph Mason - Son of William (2) and Julia (4) � died 1943
Teresa Catherine Mason - Daughter of William (2) and Julia (4) � died 1944
Basil Robert Mason - Son of William (2) and Julia (4) � died 1915
Annie Constonay - Aunt of Julia (4) � assume now dead
Henry Patrick Lys - Died 1923
Biggs Family - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Loughlin Family - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Mgr. Van den Burg - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Archbishop Gentili - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Mary McGonegal - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Edie Ferguson - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Kate O�Farrell - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Father Angelo - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Murphy Family - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Henry (Harry) Lys - Son of Henry (43) and Charlotte (76) � assume now dead
MacGregor Family - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Father Raphael - Contemporary with Mary (1) � assume now dead
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ginneally- Wife of Patrick (37) � assume now dead
Eileen McKiernan - Niece of Elizabeth (57) � assume now dead
Mabel Linda (Dolly) Wilkinson - Second wife of William (2) � now dead
Henry Percival Blackwell - Husband of Teresa (40) � assume now dead
Francis (Frank) Mason - Son of William (2) and Mabel (61) � assume now dead
John (Jack) Mason - Son of William (2) and Mabel (61) � died 1994
Lawrence Mason - Son of William (2) and Mabel (61) � died 1940
Mary (May) Mason - Daughter of Patrick (37) and Elizabeth (57) � died 1932
Leslie Mason - Son of Patrick (37) and Elizabeth (57) � assume now dead
Basil Mason - Son of Patrick (37) and Elizabeth (57) � assume now dead
Amy Slade - Wife of William (38) � assume now dead
Francis (Frank) Mason - Son of William (38) and Amy (69) � died 1942
Ellen (Nellie) Lys - Wife of Herbert (39) � now dead
Charlotte Gates - Wife of Henry (43) � died 1904
Charles Blanchard Gates - Father of Charlotte (76) � assume now dead
Louise Elizabeth Hannah - Wife of Charles (77)
William (Bill) Lowey - Husband of Beatrice (72) � died 1979
Arthur Lys - Son of Henry (43) and Charlotte (76) � assume now dead

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