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James Millers Diary 1745-1750
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James Miller was a Tailor from Manchester who joined the forces of Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1745 in his attempt to defeat the Hanoverian King George II.
He was captured at Preston, tried and sentenced to death. He was later reprieved on his undertaking to fight for the King in India as a soldier in one of the 12 Independent Companies recruited to travel to India with Admiral Boscowen's Fleet in 1747. This is his diary describing events involved in his life before, during and after his involvement in the siege of Pondicherry in 1748.
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James Millers Diary 1745-1750

Document Details
DescriptionJames Miller was a Tailor from Manchester who joined the forces of "Bonnie Prince Charlie" in 1745 in his attempt to defeat the Hanoverian King George II.
He was captured at Preston, tried and sentenced to death. He was later reprieved on his undertaking to fight for the King in India as a soldier in one of the 12 Independent Companies recruited to travel to India with Admiral Boscowen's Fleet in 1747. This is his diary describing events involved in his life before, during and after his involvement in the siege of Pondicherry in 1748.
Date Created2012-10-00
CreatorRebel Soldier of 1745 who went to India
MediaHandwritten Diary
CommentA summary transcription was made by Lieutenant Colonel J.H. Leslie for the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. However, this is a complete transcription, although it contains nothing of additional substance.

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