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 Registry Office Marriage Index 1852-1911
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Transcription of Registry Office Marriage Indexes
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339 Pages:  First Previous 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 ..293 ..296 ..300 ..310 Next Last

Displaying 8401 to 8430 of 10145 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John J. Ross Uddiya Nawalli
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John P. Shrimpton Lizzie M. Hipkin
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Archibald M. Ross Laura A. Buchanan
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Frank H. Sharpe Charlotte M. Lowther
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Percy H. Compton Annie Dolmar
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Henry Smith Mah Thein
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Clarence G. Helps Louisa V. Trutwein
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Richard W. Boote Violetta Knight
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Donald G. Atkinson Mary C. Ballantyne
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Alfred Cheverton Alice E. Harman
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Hilton De W. Girdwood Daisy M. Rennard
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Peter Martin Mary Hughes
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John R. Colville Katheleen C. W. Good
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 William O. Midford Theresa M. Gurnett
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 William S. Alin Mary R. Munro
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Charles S. Issac Helen B. Barron
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 George B. Winter Annie Joplin
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Robert Barrow Mary B. Clark
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John Moffatt Marie A. Begue
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Richard M. Phillips Mildred Herd
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Ernest J. Whiting Margaret Moore
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Herbert L. Mitchell Edith E. Ball
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 David Bacon Sarah A. Thompson
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Joseph E. I. Cutting Ivy S. Shields
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Frederick C. Rodgers Isabelle Lord
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 John Monks Evelyn M. Lemmon
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Thomas A. M. Brownlie Jessie F. Smith
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 David Pow Mary Low
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 Jonathan P. Woodson Agnes Harrison
click to view detail 1906 - 1911 George W. Allen Elizabeth A. Ettridge
339 Pages:  First Previous 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 ..293 ..296 ..300 ..310 Next Last
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