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 Registry Office Marriage Index 1852-1911
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Transcription of Registry Office Marriage Indexes
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339 Pages:  First Previous 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 ..242 ..248 ..258 ..279 Next Last

Displaying 6511 to 6540 of 10145 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Thomas Lloyd Rogers Mariann Ormon
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 James Arthur Jones Fanny Emma Noble
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Peter Benedict Martin Minnie Christina Spence
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Anthony Norris Groves Mary Isabel Stanes
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Albert Edward Bradbury Caroline Elizabeth Kitto
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Robert John Jordan Florence Edith Chapman
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Charles Gahan Charlotte Marian M. Tomlinson
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 George Henry Hunt Clytie Hyde
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Francis Wheatley I Cuffley Florence Blanche Lewis
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 William Holms (female) Elizabeth
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 William Holms (female) Elizabeth
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Thomas Stirling Lydia Catherine Wilkins
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Henry Robertson Alice Morton
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Daniel Robert Stimpson Annette Clara Eate
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Leland Claude Gilbert Alice Maude Stiles
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Ernest Frank S. Baldrey Lilian Winifred Maskell
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Harry Ward Hilda Gnanapirakasam
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Edward Arthur K. Walter Lucy Maria Hitchcock
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Giles Seddon Edith Emeline Reardon
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Thomas William Gandoin Rachel Palfrey
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 George Ernest O'Hara Deborah Johnson
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Isaac Fletcher Stella Alberta Russell
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Albert Edward Fernandez Edith Matilda Saggar
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Wharton Maitland Le Marchant Edith Jane Lovejoy
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 William Miller Margaret Matilda Lincoln
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Frederick Walter Barker Mildred Grace Moore
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Alfred Harold Shilling Adnah Beatrice S. Wheeldon
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Reginald Edward G. Edwards Ellen Victoria Poole
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 William Longworth Eva Maude Royle
click to view detail 1896 - 1900 Mervyn Edmond Meppen-Walter Winifred Ella Clarke
339 Pages:  First Previous 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 ..242 ..248 ..258 ..279 Next Last
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