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 Surname Index of Individuals Born in India
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This is a surname index of individuals born in India that are listed in the 1881 British Census. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a Census of India
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Surname Index of Individuals Born in India in the 1881 Brish Census
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761 Pages:  First Previous 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 ..431 ..451 ..486 ..555 Next Last

Displaying 10411 to 10440 of 22828 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Year Born Click to sort by Year  Born  Place Born Click to sort by Place  Born  Census Area Click to sort by Census  Area 
click to view detail HUDSON Elizabeth 1847 India Surrey
click to view detail HUDSON Emma 1829 India Surrey
click to view detail HUDSON Eric P. 1864 India Surrey
click to view detail HUDSON Florence 1868 India Norfolk
click to view detail HUDSON Gerald G. 1865 India Surrey
click to view detail HUDSON Hartlock 1863 India Berkshire
click to view detail HUDSON Henry 1865 India Norfolk
click to view detail HUDSON Henry 1874 India Kent
click to view detail HUDSON Jane Mary 1843 India Lancashire
click to view detail HUDSON John 1868 India Kent
click to view detail HUDSON Mary C. 1839 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUDSON Weymor 1864 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUFENDEN Alice 1870 India Gloucester
click to view detail HUFENDEN Marion 1871 India Gloucester
click to view detail HUGESSON Evelyn W. 1866 India Buckingham
click to view detail HUGGINS Alice 1872 India Cambridge
click to view detail HUGGINS Eliza 1868 India Cambridge
click to view detail HUGHES Albert 1879 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUGHES Alfred 1866 India Northumberland
click to view detail HUGHES Alice 1860 India Gloucester
click to view detail HUGHES Bertha A. 1866 India Surrey
click to view detail HUGHES Charles 1871 India Berkshire
click to view detail HUGHES Chas. 1871 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUGHES Constance Olinda 1876 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUGHES Denn 1874 India London
click to view detail HUGHES Edgar 1877 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUGHES Edith Isab. 1870 India Lancashire
click to view detail HUGHES Eliza 1869 India Hampshire
click to view detail HUGHES Elizabeth 1829 India London
click to view detail HUGHES Eva 1871 India Hampshire
761 Pages:  First Previous 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 ..431 ..451 ..486 ..555 Next Last
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