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Charles Kingsley - Letters
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Article written by Dr. Covey-Crump describing letters wtitten by Charles Kingsley of the Bengal Army (1743-1786)
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Charles Kingsley

Document Details
DescriptionLife in Bengal in the late 18th century by an Officer of the Bengal Army, Charles Kingsley (1743-1786)
Date Created2008-09-24
CreatorDr. P.A.K. Covey-Crump
MediaArticle by Creator
CommentThe article describes Kingsley's life as an officer in the Bengal Army in the late 18th century and includes the names of the individuals named below.
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Shah Alam
Richard Barwell
Anselm Beaumont
Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Campbell
John Cartier
Mr. Chatfield
Elizabeth Clarke
Susanne Ewer
John Ludd Fenner
Warren Hastings
Mr. Ingles
Mr. Jardine
Mohammad Rissof Khan
Charles Kingsley
Ann Kingsley
Thomas Kingsley
Lucretia Anne Kingsley
James Lillyman
Elizabeth Ludd
Mr. Mordaunt
Henry Pascal
John Pearson
Mr. Pinman
John Westneys
Rev. Mr. Yates

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