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 Administration Act Books
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Transcription of those administrations which have some reference or relevance to the British in India
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PCC Adminstrations relating to India 1764 - 1810
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Displaying 1771 to 1800 of 3466 results

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click to view detail Lamont Archibald 12 Oct 1809
click to view detail Lancaster John 27 Jan 1767
click to view detail Land William 8 Feb 1791
click to view detail Landale Melvill otherwise Melville 3 May 1786
click to view detail Lander James 3 Feb 1807
click to view detail Lane William 28 Jul 1792
click to view detail Lane Robert Cooper 29 Jan 1808
click to view detail Lane Jeremiah 7 Aug 1784
click to view detail Lang Ross 3 Apr 1790
click to view detail Lang Alexander 26 Jan 1803
click to view detail Lang Robert 23 Apr 1770
click to view detail Langford William 7 Dec 1802
click to view detail Langford Thomas 6 Aug 1770
click to view detail Langham Thomas 5 Jun 1771
click to view detail Langley William 16 Oct 1776
click to view detail Langley Thomas 13 Jan 1790
click to view detail Lany otherwise Laney John 18 Apr 1766
click to view detail Larmon James 12 Jun 1767
click to view detail Larmont otherwise Larnon Alexander 7 Jul 1802
click to view detail Larrigan William 26 Aug 1800
click to view detail Laruzend Jacob 24 Dec 1796
click to view detail Latham Henry 27 Jan 1784
click to view detail Latham Robert George 15 Dec 1792
click to view detail Latham Robert George 26 May 1807
click to view detail Lauder James 8 Jun 1769
click to view detail Laugharne Thomas 27 Oct 1809
click to view detail Lavender Joseph 13 Mar 1786
click to view detail Lavers Philip 10 Apr 1788
click to view detail Law Charles 4 Oct 1792
click to view detail Law William 2 Jan 1799
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