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 European Inhabitants - Bombay
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Lists of inhabitants between 1720 and 1780, non-military population of Bombay. Held by the British Library IOR/O/5/31 Part 1 & 2. Biographical series, Europeans in India, European Inhabitants Bombay.
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1725-1765 Free Merchants, Seafaring & Other Inhabitants, Constant & Non - Bombay
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 518 results

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click to view detail Annesley Samuel   Free Merchant
click to view detail Bendall Ephraim   Free Merchant
click to view detail Bonnell Jeremiah   Free Merchant
click to view detail Chambre Alan   Free Merchant
click to view detail Curgenven Peter Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Wake William Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Bennet John Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Wilson Edward   Seafaring Man
click to view detail Fleetwood Robert late Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Smith Thomas   Seafaring Man
click to view detail Bailie Robert Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Dabaddie Francis Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Farquhar James late Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Standard John Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Fearne Thomas   Seafaring Man
click to view detail Hunter David Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Brandon Mathew Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Jordan William Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Lewis Frampton Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Jordan Henry Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Upton Lytton   Seafaring Man
click to view detail Wooddeson George Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Robinson John Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Bell John Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Hart H Ceron Commander Seafaring Man
click to view detail Michael William Supercargo Seafaring Man
click to view detail Hope Dinah   Married Woman
click to view detail Braddyll Sarah   Married Woman
click to view detail King Hannah   Married Woman
click to view detail Lowther Martha   Married Woman
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