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 European Inhabitants - Bombay
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Lists of inhabitants between 1720 and 1780, non-military population of Bombay. Held by the British Library IOR/O/5/31 Part 1 & 2. Biographical series, Europeans in India, European Inhabitants Bombay.
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1750 List of Free Merchants, Seafaring Men etc Constant and not Constant at Bombay and Factories Subordinate
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 30 results

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access denied Elias Abraham
access denied Franco Solomon
access denied Helbert Moses
access denied Hodges John
access denied Purnell George
access denied Medley David
access denied Gill William
access denied Herriot Robert
access denied Hardcastle John
access denied Fullerton Isaac
access denied Frazer John
access denied Hill William
access denied Batty Henry Wm
access denied Hough Samuel
access denied Holmes Josiah
access denied Purnell Thomas
access denied Blachford John
access denied Matcham Simon
access denied Hudson John
access denied Graham David
access denied Forbes William
access denied Luke James
access denied Dick John
access denied Ayres Thomas
access denied Jibbon Walter
access denied Baldwin Robert
access denied Taylor James
access denied Watson John
access denied Cornwall John
access denied Higginson James
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