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 European Inhabitants - Madras
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Records that provide details of inhabitants of Madras. From various sources - Government Serials, IOR/O/5 series, IOR L/MIL series, books etc. Giving details of Names, Residence, Dates, Occupation, Salaries and so on
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European Residents - Madras 1763
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 68 results

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click to view detail Nicholas Morse 29 Jul 1763
click to view detail William Povey  
click to view detail Alexander Ross 17 June 1752
click to view detail Francis Barnewall 17 August 1754
click to view detail Peter Marriott 7 July 1754
click to view detail Daniel De Castro 6 September 1757
click to view detail John Debonaire 24 Sepember 1759
click to view detail Thomas Powney 12 June 1750
click to view detail John Smith 24 August 1759
click to view detail Robert Jackson  
click to view detail John Standard August 1740
click to view detail John Spratt 1748
click to view detail Hamilton Parkinson  
click to view detail Christopher Macklin 16 April 1746
click to view detail Samuel Troutback 14 November 1719
click to view detail Hendrick Smith 7 July 1741
click to view detail George Troutback 13 September 1748
click to view detail Francis Carvalho  
click to view detail Lewis Carvalho  
click to view detail Philip Francis Greenslate  
click to view detail George Baker  
click to view detail John Mackmath  
click to view detail Alexander Wilson  
click to view detail James Smith  
click to view detail John Parley  
click to view detail James Wordie  
click to view detail George Savage 26 Aug 1763
click to view detail Rev. Mr. Fabricious  
click to view detail Rev. Mr. Breithaupt  
click to view detail Ann Palk  
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