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 European Inhabitants - Madras
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Records that provide details of inhabitants of Madras. From various sources - Government Serials, IOR/O/5 series, IOR L/MIL series, books etc. Giving details of Names, Residence, Dates, Occupation, Salaries and so on
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European Residents - Madras and Environs 1800-1801
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 206 results

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click to view detail Arnaud B Jean  
click to view detail Albon Thomas  
click to view detail Alick H George 1782
click to view detail Anstruther Alexander 1798
click to view detail Abbott J  
click to view detail Anderson    
click to view detail Anderson Arthur  
click to view detail Abbott William  
click to view detail Askin G E  
click to view detail Ashton J  
click to view detail Burdon John 1797
click to view detail Batley John  
click to view detail Branson J E  
click to view detail Blythe Thomas  
click to view detail Brown James  
click to view detail Bolds George 1788
click to view detail Barlow Robert 1796
click to view detail Birtles Thomas 1794
click to view detail Boxley Thomas  
click to view detail Butler James 1798
click to view detail Bedford Daniel 1798
click to view detail Barnaby Henry  
click to view detail Bartholomew Samuel 1786
click to view detail Balfour John  
click to view detail Benny John  
click to view detail Barter Thomas  
click to view detail Babik    
click to view detail Baron John  
click to view detail Barrow James  
click to view detail Cockill William 1789
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