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 Alphabetical List of Directors of the East india Company from 1758 to 1858
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Alphabetical List of persons elected to the Court of Directors from 1758 to 1858, transcribed from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
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List of EIC Directors 1758-1858 - Transcription
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 216 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names 
click to view detail Agnew Patrick Vans
click to view detail Alexander Josias du Pre
click to view detail Alexander Henry
click to view detail Allan Alexander
click to view detail Amyand George
click to view detail Astell William Thornton
click to view detail Astell John Harvey
click to view detail Atkinson Richard
click to view detail Baillie John
click to view detail Bannerman John Alexander
click to view detail Baring Francis
click to view detail Baron Christopher
click to view detail Barrington Fitzwilliam
click to view detail Barwell William
click to view detail Bayley William Butterworth
click to view detail Bebb John
click to view detail Becher Richard
click to view detail Bensley William
click to view detail Boddam Charles
click to view detail Boehm Edmund
click to view detail Booth Benjamin
click to view detail Bosanquet Jacob (1)
click to view detail Bosanquet Jacob (2)
click to view detail Bosanquet Richard
click to view detail Boulton Henry Crabb
click to view detail Boyd John
click to view detail Browne John
click to view detail Bryant Jeremiah
click to view detail Burgess John Smith
click to view detail Burrow Christopher
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