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 St Andrews Church (Kirk), Calcutta - Clergy
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Transcriptions from photographs of the church Clergy roll showing years of service. Three plaques are displayed inside St Andrews church Calcutta; St Andrews, The River Parish and Wellesley Square chaplains.
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St Andrews Church, Calcutta - Roll of Clergy
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 92 results

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click to view detail Brown James Rev 1823
click to view detail Charles James Rev 1832
click to view detail Meiklejohn William H Rev 1837
click to view detail Herdman James C Rev 1849
click to view detail Henderson Robert Rev 1851
click to view detail Thomson J Macalister Rev 1865
click to view detail Manson George W Rev 1871
click to view detail Fraser I R Rev 1904
click to view detail Thomson William Rev 1906
click to view detail Gillan D H Rev 1907
click to view detail Thomson William Rev 1910
click to view detail Meldrum Neil Rev 1911
click to view detail Dodd G E Rev 1913
click to view detail McCaul M W Rev 1914
click to view detail Jamieson R G Rev 1916
click to view detail Fairlie J A Rev 1917
click to view detail Ingram J W Rev 1919
click to view detail McCaul M W Rev 1924
click to view detail MacKintosh Kenneth Rev 1928
click to view detail Short George Rev MD 1929
click to view detail MacDonald Donald Rev 1930
click to view detail MacLellan D T H Rev 1931
click to view detail Trotter R A Rev 1937
click to view detail Buchanan George Rev 1938
click to view detail Buchanan George Rev 1942
click to view detail Bryce James Rev 1814
click to view detail Charles James Rev 1836
click to view detail Meiklejohn William Rev 1847
click to view detail Herdman James C Rev 1850
click to view detail Henderson Robert Rev 1865
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