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 Medical Profession and Training - Nurses & Midwives
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Madras Nurses and Midwives Registers held by the British Library Ref: IOR/V/25/851. Listing Names, Dates and Qualifications
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Madras Nurses and Midwives Register for 1940 [IOR/V/25/851/8]
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 889 results

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click to view detail Aberneithy Josephine Miss   13 Sep
click to view detail Abraham Philomena Miss   4 May
click to view detail Achamma Mulamoothil Chacko Miss   22 May
click to view detail Adams Dorothy Madge Miss   22 Dec
click to view detail Adams Gladys Ervine Mrs   25 Mar
click to view detail Adie Audrey Muriel Miss   10 Apr
click to view detail Adie Dorothy Constance Miss   10 Dec
click to view detail Alberta Mary Sister   15 Feb
click to view detail Alexander P T Miss   25 Oct
click to view detail Alexander Beryl Enid Miss   23 Mar
click to view detail Allen Elizabeth Miss   11 Feb
click to view detail Alien Mary Barbara Miss   4 Mar
click to view detail Altendorff Sybil Mrs   16 Apr
click to view detail Alves Phyllis Rosaline Miss   28 Aug
click to view detail Alweyn Constance Evelyn Miss   10 Jan
click to view detail Alwin Elsie Miss   28 June
click to view detail Amelia Mary Sister   21 July
click to view detail Ammanna Mary Vaiduria Miss   9 Dec
click to view detail Anandam M C John Mrs Upmakara Rao 17 July
click to view detail Anderson Clara Maud Miss   6 Mar
click to view detail Anderson Ivy Miss   23 Jan
click to view detail Anderson Jessie Marshall Miss   7 May
click to view detail Anderson Lucy Phoebe Miss   28 June
click to view detail Anderson Rose Estelle Miss   1 Oct
click to view detail Andrews Dhanam Miss   25 Oct
click to view detail Andrews Kathleen Miss   17 Feb
click to view detail Andrews L Miss   13 Aug
click to view detail Andrews Myrtle Miss   7 May
click to view detail Annamma D Miss   4 Mar
click to view detail Annamma V M Miss   21 July
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