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 Maulmain Almanac & Directory - Occupations
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The Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844 - Mission Press. The New Maulmain Calendar 1877 - Tenasserim Press. Inhabitants living and working in India. Occupations, Mercantile etc.
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New Maulmain & Tenasserim 1877 - Names & Occupations
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 180 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Rank / Title Click to sort by Rank /  Title  Position/ Occupation Click to sort by Position/ Occupation 
click to view detail Snadden C Mr Manager
click to view detail Moungh Bah Goon     Managing Proprietor
click to view detail Moung Hpo     Burmese Press
click to view detail Moung Hpo Doon     Clerk
click to view detail Moung Gyee     English Compositor
click to view detail Moung Nay Doon     English Compositor
click to view detail Moungh Hpo Khin     English Compositor
click to view detail Moungh Shoay Yee     Burmese Compositor
click to view detail Moung Tsaw     Burmese Compositor
click to view detail Moungh Shoay Thaw     Pressman
click to view detail Mohomed     Pressman
click to view detail Moungh Nee Tah     Pressman
click to view detail Moungh Shoay Youk     Binder
click to view detail Soliman     Binder
click to view detail Myah Zan     Bill Collector
click to view detail Moungh Tsoh     Manager
click to view detail Grieve W C   Partner
click to view detail Lockhart W J   Assistant
click to view detail McLauchlan J   Engineer
click to view detail Bosworth T   Manager
click to view detail Maciver K C   Managing Director, Rangoon
click to view detail Nind C E   Agent
click to view detail Lutter W E S   Assistants
click to view detail Bah Oh     Assistants
click to view detail Oungh Myat     Assistants
click to view detail Cowell J H   Timber Department, Natmoo
click to view detail Jones R F Engineer Mill Department, Natmoo
click to view detail Vintzens A   Partner
click to view detail Burot F   Partner
click to view detail Burot A F   Partner
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