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 Maulmain Almanac & Directory - Occupations
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The Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844 - Mission Press. The New Maulmain Calendar 1877 - Tenasserim Press. Inhabitants living and working in India. Occupations, Mercantile etc.
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Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844 - Names & Occupations
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 257 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Title Click to sort by Title  Position / Occupation Click to sort by Position /  Occupation 
click to view detail Boothby William Esq Maulmain
click to view detail Gordon George Richard   Assistant
click to view detail Barr George Eyre   Assistant
click to view detail Smith Edmund W   Forest Department
click to view detail Boudville John   Godown Keeper
click to view detail Gaspar R   Timber Yard
click to view detail de Costa Frank   Forest Department
click to view detail Hassaim Mahomed   Dubash
click to view detail Binning Robert Esq Agent, Tavoy Zoo
click to view detail Hannay Robert Esq Agent, Maulmain
click to view detail Lonsdale Decimus F   Assistant
click to view detail Fowle Edward   Assistant
click to view detail Wiseman Charles   Writer
click to view detail McArthur John   Writer
click to view detail Hodday Alfred   Godown Keeper
click to view detail Limouzin G E   Timber Department
click to view detail Razack Abdool   Dubash
click to view detail Anderson William Esq Agent, Maulmain
click to view detail Mack Robert   Assistant
click to view detail Askin William   Assistant
click to view detail Forster S   Assistant
click to view detail Wise Bidingfield Esq Moo pwon
click to view detail Austin Hen Southgate Esq Moo pwon
click to view detail Salt Joseph   Engineer, in charge of Saw Mill
click to view detail Sutherland C J Esq Agent, Nat-moo
click to view detail Murray W H   Assistant
click to view detail Smith M M Esq Builder, (Ship)
click to view detail Boothby William    
click to view detail Buchanan John    
click to view detail Bilton Edward    
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