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 St Patricks RC Bangalore Madras - Marriage Registers
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Marriage Register dated 1840 to 1880 at St Patricks RC Church, Bangalore Madras
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St Patricks RC Church Bangalore - Marriage Register 1840 to 1880 [FHT2015]
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 514 results

Groom Surname Click to sort by Groom  Surname  Groom Name Click to sort by Groom  Name  Bride Surname Click to sort by Bride  Surname  Bride Name Click to sort by Bride  Name  Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year 
click to view detail Davey Robert Hobinety? Catherine 1840
click to view detail Xavier John Rodrigues Anna 1840
click to view detail Curtis Thomas   Mary Brigitte 1840
click to view detail Harrison Willoughby   Mary Anne 1840
click to view detail Kennedy Patrick Mason Elisabeth 1840
click to view detail Daly John Salomon Rose 1840
click to view detail Burk William Gibs Aloysia 1840
click to view detail   Charles   Arrokiam 1840
click to view detail Faber John Err Elisabeth 1840
click to view detail DeSantos Antoni John Le Vassons Cherese 1840
click to view detail Connor Daniel Myle Francis 1840
click to view detail Smith Simon Philbin Brigit 1840
click to view detail Mason John   Jimuamual 1840
click to view detail Young John Maclean Charlotte 1840
click to view detail Donaghue Michael   Mary Anne 1840
click to view detail Denehy John Watchans Margaret 1841
click to view detail Jude John Manlee Eleanor 1841
click to view detail Donaghue Dennis Mckay Jeanne 1841
click to view detail   William   Mathilde 1841
click to view detail Boyle William Tinges? Maryanne 1841
click to view detail Moore Edward   Catherine 1841
click to view detail Baymint George   Rosina Mary 1841
click to view detail   Antoni   Mariah 1841
click to view detail Rodriguez Francik   Anna 1841
click to view detail Ganley James   Selvean ? 1841
click to view detail Gilmore John   Roselane? 1841
click to view detail Cassidy Francis   Maryanne 1841
click to view detail Tipping Charles Beriyan Elisabeth 1842
click to view detail Adams George Pereyra Anna 1842
click to view detail Keough Michael Fitzgerald Mary 1842
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