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 St James Church, Calcutta
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Transcriptions taken from photographs of Cenotaphs, inside the church at St Johns Church Cemetery, Calcutta
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St James Church, Calcutta - Memorials [FHT2015]
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Displaying 1 to 15 of 15 results

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click to view detail Matthew-Matthews Leah Beatrice   1919
click to view detail Lyell Janet   1944
click to view detail Lyell Kate Elizabeth   [1928]
click to view detail Lyell Henry    
click to view detail Prockter H J Secretary 1871
click to view detail Andrews Vivian Leonard 3rd Engineer 1927
click to view detail Lynam R chief Engineer [1927]
click to view detail Hunneybun C 2nd Engineer [1927]
click to view detail Hayes D 4th Engineer [1927]
click to view detail Douglas Duff Chief Clerk [1927]
click to view detail Hainsworth E J Assistant Clerk [1927]
click to view detail McLaren D J Apprentice Officer [1927]
click to view detail Wheeler M Mrs 1923 ?
click to view detail Edwards Sydney Glennie Organist 1904
click to view detail Worthington Edward Victor   1864
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