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 India Railways - Personnel Records
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Career History Records of Personnel employed by the various India Railways, from various sources
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Index of names, Personnel Employed by India Railways
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 260 results

Surnames Click to sort by Surnames  First names Click to sort by First names 
click to view detail Adam James
click to view detail Addis Henry Bawn
click to view detail Addis Robert Bawn
click to view detail Addis William Judson
click to view detail Anderson James Arthur
click to view detail Andrew William Patrick
click to view detail Arundell Edward William
click to view detail Bagley Frederick Robert
click to view detail Baker William Erskine
click to view detail Barnett G A
click to view detail Barry Arthur John
click to view detail Bartlett Thomas Walter
click to view detail Batchelor J C
click to view detail Baxter Bernard
click to view detail Bayley Victor
click to view detail Beeston Ronald Chapman
click to view detail Bell Horace
click to view detail Bell James Richard
click to view detail Berkley George
click to view detail Berkley James John
click to view detail Betts William Smith
click to view detail Bigg-Wither Archibald Cuthbert
click to view detail Bird F W
click to view detail Bisset William Sinclair Smith
click to view detail Blood Bagot William
click to view detail Bonus Joseph
click to view detail Bowles C W
click to view detail Brander J
click to view detail Brereton Alfred
click to view detail Brereton Robert Maitland
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