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 Casualty Returns, European section Madras Army
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Transcribed from registers of Madras Army Muster Rolls and Casualty Returns. Casualty rolls of NCOs and privates of the various companies and regiments of the European section of the Madras Army.
Compiled either in Madras Military Department or at the unit headquarters, then forwarded to East India House. IOR/L/MIL/11/127
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Casualty Registers European section Madras Army 1818-19. NCOs Privates Pensioners
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 657 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First name Click to sort by First name  Rank Click to sort by Rank 
click to view detail Allanson Peter Matross
click to view detail Atwood John Matross
click to view detail Burrows Thomas Private
click to view detail Burgess Thomas Matross
click to view detail Bird William Matross
click to view detail Barber Edward Gunner
click to view detail Burton James Private
click to view detail Bemcke Henry Corporal
click to view detail Cockburn Joseph Private
click to view detail Cole Charles Matross
click to view detail Dawson John Matross
click to view detail Donnels John Private
click to view detail Dawkins William Private
click to view detail Dalton John Private
click to view detail Degardon Theodore Serjeant
click to view detail Dersany ? Anthony Serjeant
click to view detail Fitzgerald Paul Drummer
click to view detail Flander Joseph Musician
click to view detail Goodall John Private
click to view detail Gay James Private
click to view detail Gains John Matross
click to view detail Higgs Stephen Private
click to view detail Hutchings Richard Private
click to view detail Johnson Gourlay Gunner
click to view detail Kirton William Serjeant
click to view detail Lynch John Private
click to view detail Maciver John Private
click to view detail Mathews Thomas Private
click to view detail Mackenzie Malcolm Private
click to view detail Manning Samuel Matross
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