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 Davidson Papers 1778-1791
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Family correspondence of Alexander Davidson (c1742-91), East India Company servant, Madras 1760-91, Member of Madras Council 1782-87, Acting Governor of Madras 1785-86, and of his wife Elizabeth (nee Pigou) (d 1791); also her journal, dated 1788-89.
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Davidson Papers volume 2 - Index of Names
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 760 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Title Click to sort by Title 
click to view detail   Alexander Sir
click to view detail   Allen  
click to view detail   Amelia Princess
click to view detail   Andrew  
click to view detail   Betsy  
click to view detail   Clara  
click to view detail   Clarinda  
click to view detail   Cojee  
click to view detail   Coolie [native]
click to view detail   Courrcap [native]
click to view detail   Eliza  
click to view detail   Eliza cousin
click to view detail   Eliza Miss
click to view detail   Eloise  
click to view detail   George  
click to view detail     Governor
click to view detail   James  
click to view detail   Janet  
click to view detail   Jannet General
click to view detail   John little
click to view detail   John brother of Mrs Arilla Mr
click to view detail   Kitty  
click to view detail   Lydia  
click to view detail   Mackay little
click to view detail   Mahan little
click to view detail   Manchie  
click to view detail   Mary  
click to view detail   Patrick  
click to view detail   Paul  
click to view detail   Paul Sir
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