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Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books relating to India and Burma.

Many of these books are still in print and sometimes contain more information, for example the text of an inscription, than is given here. Should you wish to order a copy write to Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG, or email [email protected].

All the books can be consulted at the British Library.
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South East Asia and Japan Cemetery Record Books
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477 Pages:  First Previous 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 ..302 ..313 ..331 ..368 Next Last

Displaying 7711 to 7740 of 14298 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death Click to sort by Date of death 
click to view detail Lucy G. 1947
click to view detail Luddington Private H J 1890
click to view detail Ludgwick S.A. 29 Dec 1939.
click to view detail Ludwell John 30 Jul. 1809
click to view detail Lugan Hector Jean Baptist 1915
click to view detail Lugrin Henry 1832
click to view detail Luiker Arthur H. 08 Sep 1958.
click to view detail Luiker Henry 23 Jul 1942.
click to view detail Luiker Vera 11 Jan 1951.
click to view detail Luk Mekhost Ernst .
click to view detail Lukyanov Anfenogen 25 Feb 1882.
click to view detail Lumar Franc 6 Oct 1789.
click to view detail Lumberg Elsie Minnie 07 Jan 1966.
click to view detail Lumford Katherine (nee Green) 21 Jan 1934.
click to view detail Lumley D.B. 08 Aug 1946.
click to view detail Lumley I.M. 29 Aug. 1821
click to view detail Lumley Margery  
click to view detail Lumley Allan Frank Charles 1958
click to view detail Lumsden   1922
click to view detail Lunan A.G. 1935
click to view detail Lund J. Aug 1874.
click to view detail Lund   23 Jul 1874.
click to view detail Lund   1930
click to view detail Lune Thos. 16 Mar. 1810
click to view detail Lung (family plot) .
click to view detail Lungley Stephen James 1917
click to view detail Lunt Frederick 1942
click to view detail Lupton Jack 1942
click to view detail Lury Claire .
click to view detail Lury Henya Rebecca 26 Oct 1935.
477 Pages:  First Previous 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 ..302 ..313 ..331 ..368 Next Last
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