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 Bengal & Agra Dir, Bengal Alm, Bengal Dir, Calcutta Annual, New Calcutta Dir, Calcutta Cal - Periodicals
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These records show notices of people arriving in, and departing from Bengal. They are taken from various publications including the Bengal Almanac, Bengal Directory, Calcutta Annual Register, Calcutta Directory, Calcutta Calendar and Samuel Smith & Co Bengal & Agra Directory.
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Bengal Directory, 1850-1851 - Arrivals
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Displaying 2731 to 2760 of 2969 results

Year Click to sort by Year  Name of Ship Click to sort by Name of  Ship  Title or Rank Click to sort by Title or  Rank  First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname 
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Mr.   Brownlow
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Mr.   Annand
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Col.   Bonham
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Capt.   Champneys
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Capt.   Babington
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Capt.   Agnew
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Dr.   McCosh
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Lieut.   Crofton
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Mr.   Tweedie
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Miss   Agnew
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone Master   Agnew
click to view detail 1851 Maidstone      
click to view detail 1851 Cossipore Miss M.A. Wearel
click to view detail 1851 Cossipore Miss Isabella Wearel
click to view detail 1851 Cossipore Master Robert Wearel
click to view detail 1851 Cossipore Miss Harriet Wearel
click to view detail 1851 Cossipore Master John Wearel
click to view detail 1851 Lanrick Mr. H. Miller
click to view detail 1851 Sumner Mrs.   Saxon
click to view detail 1851 John Brightman Mrs.   Scott
click to view detail 1851 John Brightman Miss   Scott
click to view detail 1851 John Brightman Miss   Scott
click to view detail 1851 John Brightman Master   Scott
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Roberts
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Camberledge
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Laughton
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Peterson
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Cookson
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Wingrove
click to view detail 1851 Southampton Mrs.   Bowen
99 Pages:  First Previous 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Next Last
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