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 Bombay Calendar - Periodical
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Bombay Calendar, 1841 - Arrivals
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Displaying 1111 to 1140 of 1399 results

Name of Ship Click to sort by Name of  Ship  Type of Ship Click to sort by Type of  Ship  First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname 
click to view detail Helen Ship   No Passengers
click to view detail Palinurus HC Brig   Welman
click to view detail Palinurus HC Brig   Collum
click to view detail Palinurus HC Brig   Russell
click to view detail Palinurus HC Brig J. Roach
click to view detail Palinurus HC Brig    
click to view detail Tres Irmaos Portuguese Brig    
click to view detail Higginson Ship   No Passengers
click to view detail Abeona Barque   No Passengers
click to view detail Strabane Ship   No Passengers
click to view detail Marchioness of Douro Barque William Mason
click to view detail Indus HC Iron Steamer R. Wallace
click to view detail Indus HC Iron Steamer    
click to view detail Cheshire Ship   No Passengers
click to view detail Seaforth Steamer   Wodehouse
click to view detail Seaforth Steamer P.E. Wodehouse
click to view detail Seaforth Steamer   Wodehouse
click to view detail Seaforth Steamer J. Templer
click to view detail Seaforth Steamer    
click to view detail John Panter Barque   No Passengers
click to view detail Wild Irish Girl Schooner W. Berkley
click to view detail Chusan Barque H. McEwen
click to view detail Shaw in Shaw Ship C. Johnstone
click to view detail Shaw in Shaw Ship   Cole
click to view detail Shaw in Shaw Ship   Musluerie
click to view detail Ceylon Barque   No Passengers
click to view detail George Cuvier French Barque Mere de Therway
click to view detail George Cuvier French Barque W.J. de Silva
click to view detail Faize Rubany Ship    
click to view detail Helen Stewart Ship   No Passengers
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