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Patents - British India 1856-1890
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Patents of invention registered in the patent system for British India during 1856-90. Chronological listings held by the Business & IP Centre (BIPC), British Library. For further enquires contact the [email protected] or [email protected]
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Dataset: Patents of invention for British India, 1856-90
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 1205 results

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click to view detail DePenning George Alfred 2 Sept 1856 Punkah
click to view detail Stalkartt John 28 June 1859 Indigo manufacturing
click to view detail DePenning George Alfred 9 July 1856 Tying screwed bales
click to view detail Clark William 22 Oct 1859 Using iron plates for arches in buildings
click to view detail Stalkartt John 30 May 1856 Indigo manufacturing
click to view detail Lazarus B.W. 6 Sept 1859 Portable urinal
click to view detail Lazarus C. 6 Sept 1859 Portable urinal
click to view detail DePenning George Alfred 3 Nov 1856 Seamless gunny bags manufacture
click to view detail Francis Charles Scotton 5 July 1856 Extracting mustard and other seed oils
click to view detail Sandys Teignmouth 30 Dec 1856 Mechanical compression
click to view detail Francis Charles Scotton 15 Oct 1859 Oil mills
click to view detail Loarer Edward 20 Sept 1856 Production of vegetable wax
click to view detail Gower Benjamin 21 Sept 1859 Locomotive steam engine to run on roads
click to view detail Evans George 4 Aug 1856 Construction of coke ovens
click to view detail Rutter Ralph 1 Sept 1859 Permanent way for railroads etc.
click to view detail Wray George Octavius 6 Jan 1860 Punkah wheels & wall tubes
click to view detail Sandys Teignmouth 30 Sept 1859 Compression of mortars
click to view detail Townsend George W. 15 Oct 1859 Conical bullet of lead, iron or other metal
click to view detail Harley Felix 5 May 1857 Extraction of oil from seeds by hydraulic power
click to view detail Christiana Henry Lewis 20 May 1857 Binding bales
click to view detail Wright William Barton 28 Jan 1857 Punkahs operated by water wheels
click to view detail DePenning George Alfred 26 May 1857 Seamless gunny bags manufacture
click to view detail Rutter Ralph 3 Dec 1859 Permanent way for railroads etc.
click to view detail Stalkartt John 12 Jan 1857 Indigo manufacturing
click to view detail Adley Charles Coles 14 Jan 1860 Supporting telegraph wires
click to view detail Carr Robert 4 Feb 1860 Consolidating broken bricks etc.
click to view detail Henfrey Charles 2 July 1860 Supporting telegraph wires
click to view detail Adley Charles Coles 2 July 1860 Supporting telegraph wires
click to view detail Walker John 16 June 1860 Pulping of coffee
click to view detail Mills Ritchie 12 Mar 1860 Manufacture of lubricant for axles of railway carriages from country produce
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