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 Madras Almanac - Periodical
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Arrival and departures lists from the Madras Almanac.
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Madras Almanac, 1839-1841 - Arrivals
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Displaying 1591 to 1620 of 2144 results

Year Click to sort by Year  Name of Ship Click to sort by Name of  Ship  First Name Click to sort by First  Name  Passenger Surname Click to sort by Passenger  Surname 
click to view detail 1841 Worcester James Mackintosh
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Rob Rolfe
click to view detail 1841 Worcester George Morton
click to view detail 1841 Worcester F.T. Stewart
click to view detail 1841 Worcester C.H. Abdy
click to view detail 1841 Worcester   Mortimer
click to view detail 1841 Worcester   Slater
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Samuel Brown
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Alexander Grant
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Clarence Begbie
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Henry Bruce
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Henry Drew
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Henry Foley
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Edmund Cheetham
click to view detail 1841 Worcester George De Aguilar
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Henry Rutherford
click to view detail 1841 Worcester   Smith
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Alexander Hume
click to view detail 1841 Worcester William Southey
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Hastings Andrews
click to view detail 1841 Worcester John Campbell
click to view detail 1841 Worcester John Knight
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Theresa Byrne
click to view detail 1841 Worcester Antonia De Sousa
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth   Gibson
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth H. Gibson
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth J.T. Gibson
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth John Cameron
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth William Hilbers
click to view detail 1841 George the Fourth G.M. Carter
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