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 EIC Officers & Recruits - Embarkation Lists
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All in the India Office Records at the British Library L/MIL/9/85-100
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All Ships 1740-1848. EIC Armies, Recruits - Embarkation Lists
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Displaying 691 to 720 of 4762 results

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click to view detail John Sedwell     Marlborough 1741
click to view detail John Hawkins     Marlborough 1741
click to view detail Charles Knipe     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail Rodolph De Gingins     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail Stephen Moss Hollard     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail Robert Parker     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail John Brown     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail Samuel Cunningham     Wilmington 1741
click to view detail Joshua Lee     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas Edwards     Kent 1741
click to view detail James Worrell     Kent 1741
click to view detail Benjamin Gooday   Ipswich Kent 1741
click to view detail John White     Kent 1741
click to view detail James Shaw     Kent 1741
click to view detail William Jones     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas Buck     Kent 1741
click to view detail Samuel Matthews   Warwick Kent 1741
click to view detail James Aldridge     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas True     Kent 1741
click to view detail William Bellanger     Kent 1741
click to view detail John Chitty     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas Hill     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas Grant   Brentford Kent 1741
click to view detail Nathaniel Amely     Kent 1741
click to view detail Thomas Limber     Kent 1741
click to view detail Edward Penly     Kent 1741
click to view detail John Rogers   Canterbury Kent 1741
click to view detail James Powell   Bristol Kent 1741
click to view detail John Jones     Kent 1741
click to view detail Christopher Hutchinson     Kent 1741
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