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Image title: 1756 Black Hole Prison Memorial 1. Fort William [27 names] - St Johns Cemetery, Calcutta
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Inscription: This monument has been erected by Lord Curzon, Viceroy and Governor General of India, in the year 1902 upon the site and in reproduction of the design of the original monument, to the memory of the 123 persons who perished in the Black Hole prison of old Fort William on the night of the 20th of June 1756. The former memorial was raised by their surviving fellow sufferer, J Z Holwell, Governor of Fort William, on the spot where the bodies of the dead had been thrown into the ditch of the ravelin. It was removed in 1821.

Left panel lists 27 names of deceased


Image file: BB_Calc-StJohnsCem_P1120623a.jpg

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