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Image title: James, John Thomas - St Johns Church, Calcutta
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(Latin) Cum Pia Memoria
Joannis Thomae James STP
Hujus Sedis Olim Episcopi
Qui Unus Homo Immensas Illas Regiones
Africae Australiae Sericae
Cum Universa India
Postremus Uno Limite Provinciae Complexus Est
Tanto Impar Oneri
Tot Ecclesiarum Sollicitudine Confectus
Mortem Obut

Image file: BB_Calc-StJohns_DSC05116.jpg


(Rough Google translation) With the pious memory of John Thomas (Joannis Thomae) James STP of this former bishop's see, who in one man united those vast regions of Africa, the silk of Australia, with the whole of India, the last of which was bounded by one province. Exhausted by such an odd burden and concern for so many churches, he died on the 22nd day of August 1818, aged 42. He was happy enough to present the harvest of his labors, if he had been scattered, with such a high spirit. Image file: BB_Calc-StJohns_DSC05116.jpg

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