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Image title: Young, Gavin - St Johns Church, Calcutta
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(Latin iscription)
Gavini Young, Armigeri,
Juris Militaris apud exercitum Bengalensisam suromi interprctis.
Qui LoecuIi Hujus Militiam Christi Disciplina Condecoravit,
virtutem fide arma Litteris humaoioribus.
Litteras Humaniores.
S. S. scriptuarum scientia ampliavit
vir doctus. Probus integer persapieas Annos vixit low indies suis carior
supremum Obiit Diem Prid non mart A. D. MDCCCXLI.
Mooerentes spe tamen cum Laeta
Christi mentis freti, Posuerunt amici.


(Rough Google translation) Gavini (Gavin) Young. Armsmen The supreme interpreter of martial law in the Bengali army, who decorated the military of this age with the discipline of Christ, courage, faith, weapons, more humane letters, more humane letters, s.s. The knowledge of the scriptures increased, a learned man, honest, full of wisdom, lived 5 years dearer to his days, died the last day before March A.D. 1841, the deserving hope, however, with joy they placed on the merits of Christ. Image file: BB_Calc-StJohns_DSC05107.jpg

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